Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Mo Ibrahim Prize Not Awarded

It is rare that the NON-AWARDING of a prize makes the news, but this is a special one. The Mo Ibrahim Prize for Good Governance in Africa is a 5million USD prize given yearly to an African president who:
1. was democratically elected
2. pursued excellence in office
3. has stepped down peacefully from power within the last three years

The prize has been given three times, to the ex-Presidents of Mozambique, Botswana, and, last year, Cape Verde. However, this is also the third time that it has explicitly been NOT given (also 2009 and 2010).

Random Kate Thoughts: This is clearly a slap in the face to African leaders. 5million dollars is a huge amount, plus did I mention $200,000 per year for the rest of your life? The Executive Director of the MIF, Hadeel Ibrahim, daughter of Mo Ibrahim, Sudanese cell phone bazillionaire whose money makes up the prize, came to visit my school a couple of weeks ago.

Hadeel Ibrahim
Her argument for the prize was not to turn Presidents who are set out to do corrupt things good, as 5mill isn't all that much when you think about the amount of money being embezzled in countries like Nigeria. But it just might be enough to persuade someone who would normally be a "good" leader, but the lack of presidential pension plans gives them no option, other than to go back to living in poverty once your term is over. It's those guys that this prize juuuust might convince to shape up their act. Hopefully the prize will be given next year, as it's quite sad that no president can be said to have governed to a standard of excellence. Guess that's why my school exists, hey? To create a new generation of African leaders with strong ethics, great vision, and superb accountability to their people. Alums of ALA, the prize is waiting for you.

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