Sunday, September 16, 2012

Muslim Brotherhood Writes to NYT

In the US, the Muslim Brotherhood tends to get pretty poor press. Described as extremist, conservative, dangerous to US interests, etc., but two days ago the Muslim Brotherhood proved them all wrong. In a NYT letter to the Editor titled "Our Condolences," Khairat El-Shater, Deputy President of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, sent his condolences and those of the Egyptian people to America for the loss of our Ambassador and diplomatic staff in Libya.

The best line?

Finally someone speaking sense!

It's not just the Deputy President, as the President as well, Mohammed Morsi, said on state tv last week: ""It is required by our religion to protect our guests and their homes and places of work." His party has instead called for peaceful protests.

Random Kate Thoughts: As much as Islam is seen as an extremist religion in the US, hopefully this letter will show Americans that not all Muslims are like those responsible for this violence. Many Muslims are horribly saddened by the tragic events last week and many too will fight for the rights of Christians and foreigners in their country as well.

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